Condolence messages | Condolence SMS | Deepest condolence

  1. We are sober, we are really sad about his sudden departure, May the Creator accept our prayers on his behalf. Amen.
  2. Most sincere condolences to you, loved ones and family. I believe her guardian angel will watch over us too, may her soul rest in perfect peace.
  3. Dear friends, we join you today in mourning over the void caused by our good grandmother, she left us suddenly, she loved us dearly and we know that. Let’s find comfort in this, my condolences.
  4. It is written, “it is appointed for man to die once and after this, judgement.” But this we pray; that mercy reigns over judgement. Wishing you a blisful rest in eternity Samuel.
  5. Dear friend, I can’t explain how much i’d really miss you. You are an inspiration to the whole world. You were full of faith, courage and strength. We wish you farewell in your journey to eternity. You’d never be forgotten, rest in peace.
  6. I express my earnest commiseration to you and your siblings on the demise of your brother, you and your family are in my heart.
  7. I can’t understand or imagine what you’re feeling right now, don’t forget we love you and we’d always be here for you.
  8. It cuts to my heart to hear about the loss that your family have experienced. Words cannot express my condolences.
  9. I pray that God will comfort you himself, watch and guide over you like you’ve never experienced. My deepest condolences.
  10. It deeply saddens me that your dad passed away. Be strong child, my family and I are here for you.
  11. He’s he reason I am where I am today. May his soul rest in peace and may God grant you the strength to endure this great pain. I will always remember his kindness.
  12. I express my sincerest sympathy to you and your family. Your loss saddens us and us others. We pray for strength for you and your family.
  13. We know how difficult this time must be. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Our condolences.
  14. A good soul has passed on, a good man has gone up to heaven. With a heavy heart, we part our beloved brother.
  15. I feel honoured to have met your Father. He was a gift to the world. Please accept my condolence.
  16. May the love that surrounds you bring comfort and peace to you and your family. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
  17. This must be a really tough time. Word’s cannot describe how we feel. Just know you’re not alone. May God see us though this.
  18. Our deepest condolences to you and you family. It hurts us also, know that you’re not alone. We’d get though this together.
  19. I pray that God will comfort you himself, watch and guide over you like you’ve never experienced. My deepest condolences.
  20. Memories of her life will never leave me. She was indeed a strong woman. My condolences on the passing of you mother. May her gentle soul rest in peace.
  21. I pray that the Good God brings you and your family peace, give you strength and comfort your hearts during this hard time.
  22. I will carry you in my heart. You remind me of a father I never had. I’m blessed to have met you. May the Lord bring you everlasting rest.
  23. I am earnestly sorry for your loss. We all will miss him. May his soul find eternal rest.
  24. A truly lovable and kind person has let us and we will always miss his presence. My genuine condolences to you and your family.
  25. Our dear grandmother, with heavy hearts and tears we part with you. Rest in peace.
  26. She was a friend, a good woman. May God accept her spirit and keep her in a special place where she will be happy forever.
  27. His life is one worth living one lived well. A man of honour and dignity. He will forever be in our hearts. Our condolences.
  28. In this distressed time, we express our love, concern and condolences. We pray your heart I comforted and that of your loved ones.
  29. My prayers are with and for you and your family. May God grant you strength and ease your pain.
  30. Our hearts was filled with sorrow and our eyes with tears upon hearing the distressing news of your father’s passing. We extend our most sincere condolences.
  31. Words cannot express what I’m feeling. My commiseration to the whole family. May her beautiful soul rest in peace.
  32. I am immensely grief-stricken. Words are worthless. May she find rest and may we all see her again. I give my condolences to the entire household.
  33. Prayerful, loving, kind woman full of faith and godliness. We all part with a special person. Her kindness will never be forgotten. May the soul of your aunt rest in peace.
  34. Though he may not be with us physically, we know that he will always be in our hearts and minds. He was always praying for us. Now we do the same for him. Our beloved bishop.
  35. How my tears flow ceaselessly when I learnt of his departure. I know you are going through a very difficult moment. We are all here for you. We’d always be.
  36. During this hurting time dear Daniel, it grieved us to hear that your mum passed on. May our condolences and prayers bring you peace and comfort.
  37. We lost someone close to our heart Mary. We want you to know that you are not alone in this. My entire family extends sympathy and condolences.
  38. We extend our prayers, love and support. May he rest in peace. Our condolences.

    condolences messages
    condolences text messages
    condolence message to a friend
    condolence message on death of father
    death messages for loved ones
    condolence message to colleague
    condolence message on death of mother
    mourning message

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