Happy 50th birthday wishes | 50th birthday wishes SMS

1: ) Wishing you many happy returns on your 50th Birthday!
2: ) Now the rest of your life will depend on whether you have fun by being nifty, or you become boring by being thrifty. The choice is yours. Happy 50th birthday.

3: ) Happy Birthday! The world is a better place for having had you in it for the last 50 years, so I hope you live to be at least 100.
4: ) Everything good comes to those who turn 50. Good food. Good wine. Good friends. Good love. Happy 50th birthday!
5: ) You may be 50 years of age but you’re still younger at heart than many people younger in calendar years. May you stay forever young the next 50 years. Happy birthday!
6: ) You are halfway to hundred but that doesn’t guarantee you will live that long. Happy 50th birthday.
7: ) Happy 50th birthday! A half century has come and gone…and you’re still around! That’s already quite a legacy. The next half century, may you be a legend in your own time — or at least in your own backyard.
8: ) You’re finally 50, a half century old. Play it up. Bask in your awesomeness, your achievements, your beauty, your uniqueness. It’s your moment in the sun. Happy 50th birthday!
9: ) If things get better with age, then you’re approaching magnificent! Congratulations on your 50th Birthday.
10: ) Don’t let the thought of turning older make you feel nervous. Ups and downs in life will come and go, don’t make a fuss. Don’t slow down, there’s no need to worry about taking rest. Forget your age, just live every single day of your life to the fullest. Happy 50th birthday.
11: ) Never fear age, just enjoy life’s new stage. Happy 50th birthday.
12: ) Happy 50th birthday just doesn’t say enough. “Happy 50th-half century-my back aches-I’m just starting to enjoy life-you look so good-I wish I was you-birthday” is more like it.
13: ) Congratulations on your 50th birthday. Wishing you many happy returns for the coming years ahead.
14: ) The best way to enjoy life is to forget your age and just remember the memories. Happy birthday.
15: ) It’s easy to drink from the fountain of youth when you’re young. It’s hard when you’re 50 but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take a sip every once and awhile. Drink up! Have an amazing 50th birthday!
16: ) Happy Birthday to a gal who’s fabulous at fifty
17: ) It is never too late to grow up and stop being stupid. Maybe your 50th birthday is your chance to do just that. Happy birthday.
18: ) At fifty you might not be able to make a fresh new start, but that doesn’t stop you from feeling young at heart. Happy birthday.
19: ) Time is even more of the essence when you turn 50. Make every minute count. Spend every waking moment chasing after your dreams—you know, the kind you have when you nap.
20: ) Don’t ever bother spending money on anti aging creams or face-lifting lotions. At 50, there is no turning back even with a secret potion. Happy birthday old timer.
21: ) Hey, you’re 50, so it’s time to start tooting your own horn! Just because you’re a half century old doesn’t mean you can’t have a little sax in your life! Happy 50th birthday!
22: ) Happy Birthday! The world is a better place for having had you in it for the last 50 years, so here’s wishing you many happy returns.
23: ) A fiftieth birthday is actually a milestone which reads ‘Proceed at your own risk’ Happy 50th birthday.
24: ) Wishing you a happy 50th birthday and many happy returns to enjoy the finer things in life.
25: ) May the next half-century of your life be as wonderful as the first half

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